The power of positivity
It’s Friday afternoon. Lockdown has lightly loosened, and I’m sat in a pub garden for what feels like the first time in ever. Things are on the up!
As I ponder on what to order (not a scotch egg in sight), I slide my thumb down the face of my iPhone, refreshing my inbox - a response to a position I’ve been waiting on has finally arrived. As I open it up, I’m greeted with the word ‘unfortunately’. Hmmm, this wasn’t in the plan!
“Why do we fall sir? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up”
Wise words
Who am I to argue with the world’s most famous butler (are there even any others)…? I mean I did feel a little disheartened, as I had a really good feeling about this one. I even had a little bet with the missus, so I’m gutted to learn they won’t be progressing the application. Oh, and now I owe her a tenner too…!
As I dust off their decision, I remind myself I’m not the only one going through this… with another 1.6m unemployed in the UK. I’ve always been a glass half full kinda guy, so remind myself this is ‘all part of my journey’. Health is wealth in the whole grand scheme of things.
As a thundercloud begins to form above, I refuse, air punching it away. My blinding light; the headline 'UK hiring increased 6% in October' (with a 41% increase in comms). Seeing that is like a Starman to my Mario. The considerably larger than average lady hasn’t sung yet!
As Yazz once said…
The only way is up (peroxide perm and all). With a vaccine now being deployed, Christmas incoming, and even Tottenham sitting top of the league… I’m starting to think she was right!
So here we are, spirits raised and I’m feeling good. I thought I’d throw a handful of things your way, that I’ve found keep them vibes positive, and lockdown a whole lot easier:
Right timing - Pushing forward and launching WriteHereWriteNow has been great for me on so many levels. Helping keep that all important structure to my days, flexing them creative muscles, whilst working on a handful of exciting briefs too
Running man - “Hey lighthead, hey Christmas tree” (in my best Arnie voice), this is not! I have been clocking up the miles on Strava though. Healthy body healthy mind and all that. It’s been the perfect way to clear the head and break them days up
TV tips - As our Cineworld passes gather dust, our streaming services have stepped up perfectly (Netflix alone now has over 13m UK subscribers). A little late to the party, The Crown is currently on full binge mode. I hate Suzie was great, The Queen’s Gambit checkmate’d us, oh and Breaking Bad also earned itself an entire second viewing too (all 62 episodes)…!
Feed me Seymour - Our getaways may have been put on hold, but our takeaways haven’t! We’ve discovered some amazing places to eat from home, inc. FOUR Fish and Chip shops within 10 mins of our front door (what, we’re in Brighton… it’s the law)
Feline good - Looking after a couple of kitties for the foreseeable, the only lives I was entrusted with before, lived in hamster cages or fish bowls. I’ve never really taken either side of the Cat v Dog debate, but can safely say having these furballs in company have been a welcome distraction to everything this year has thrown at us (yeah even the 4am miaowing)
Whatever your situation, here’s hoping more good stuff to follow. Oh and if you’re still racking your brains on butlers, there was also Jeeves (and Wooster), Geoffrey (Fresh Prince of Bel Air) and that one from Rocky Horror…!
WriteHereWriteNow is my new adventure, diving into the world of freelance writing. Personal / random blog aside, I’m available for all types of copy requirements (Articles, Emails, Socials etc). Feel free to get in touch by clicking the ‘Contact’ button below!