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Spring steps

Hello world, remember me?! Sorry I’ve not been in contact recently… that big old thing called life got in the way! In all seriousness, I’ve been meaning a return to the Mac for a new piece, but I have a valid excuse; I’m actually a few weeks into a recent contracting opportunity…

As a result, I’m feeling over the moon to be back in the world of work (for a few months at least). It’s an awesome feeling; I was literally beaming as I recently dusted off my work wardrobe (that against all lockdown odds, still fit) as I set off down to the office to pick up my laptop! 

Happy days

And it’s not just me in high spirits. At time of writing, it’s Sunday 11 April, which means it’s ‘Hospitality Eve’, with some pubs, restaurants, bars and cafes due to re-open from tomorrow (the earth shakes as we all punch the air in celebration). 

This week alone, I couldn’t help but notice the buzz around some of those ‘watering holes’ we used to frequent. With the government laws meaning we can only eat or drink outside (initially); the countdown to either build or spruce up outdoor areas was on. I’ve been amazed at how many new seating areas have popped up around the city, all blending in nicely with their new surroundings (with a reported £285 million invested in such preparations). 

Landlords of public houses and the like, will be chomping at the bit to welcome back their guests with open arms (well from 2 meters), with The Centre for Economics and Business Research predicting the hospitality sector to receive a £314 million boost next week alone… shout outs to everyone with a few days booked off to indulge!

Shoppers delight

We’ve also got Father Spendmass getting his bags of consumer filled delight ready for takeoff, as shops will be also be re-opening their doors (with many now staying open for until 10pm). This move for UK retailers, paired with consumer ‘pent up demand’ to spend has analysts expecting to see sales increase as much as 48%. Encouraging signs to say the least!

I know for one, my better half is beaming from ear to ear - as she books in a day of retail therapy, armed with bags of my Christmas fails ready to be returned and exchanged for stuff she actually likes (no offence taken)…

Haircrafts flying outta control

Beeping heavily on my radar of welcome returns is that of the hairdressers! It’s been four long months since I last saw mine (133 days but whose counting). Each morning I’m reminded I resemble a cross between Robinson Crusoe and Krusty the Clown. The fact I can make ponytails from the sides is strong sign it’s time for a trim! 

The good news for my lockdown locks is I’m already booked in for a sheering next week. The even better news is that it’s a home visit, so I need not worry about navigating to a salon disguised in a baseball cap (although I do have a fairly extensive collection to choose from). It also eliminates that awkward bit where I have to remind the hairdresser who I am. Roll on my next meeting (where I could look half presentable)…!

Getting crowdy

It’s also looking like things are on the up for sports events too, with rumours we could have fans back in stadiums within the next few months. I love my football, so it’s great to hear there will be 8,000 supporters in attendance at Wembley for the Carabao cup final (let’s just hope a team in White win it), with 21,000 allowed in for the FA Cup final in May… hoorah!

It’s fair to say this last year has been a testing one for all. But as the days get warmer, as those smiles gets broader; life finally feels like it’s starting to get that bit closer to normal… with that spring in our step: a welcome return. 

WriteHereWriteNow is my new adventure, diving into the world of freelance writing. Personal blog aside, I’m available for all types of content requirements (Articles, Emails, Socials etc). Feel free to get in touch, cheers!